March 31st to April 5th

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Bighorn River
Bighorn River March 31st thru April 5th

I was just recently on the Bighorn March 31st to April 5th and the river is fishing incredibly well right now! Lot’s of good surface activity with Midges being the main source, however Baetis will start coming off anytime now. Parachute Adams, Smokejumpers and Griffiths Gnats are my bugs of choice. Nymphing has been spectacular as usual with the bigger Rainbows starting to show up, staging for their spawn about 50 to 100 yards below the normal spawning areas. Sowbugs, Midge Larva, and Baetis nymphs being the bugs of choice. Streamer fishing was slow, but I encourage you to try it anyway, you never know when it can turn from bad to good.